Magvent Dirt Separator Demountable (MAGCVAD-R)

Magnetite Sludge and Dirt Removal from Heating / Chilled Water Systems

Magnetite Sludge and Dirt in heating and chilled water systems can be the cause of major problems such as pump failure, corrosion and energy loss.

The Magvent (MAGCVD-R) is used to remove Magnetite Sludge and Dirt. Installed on the return pipe in the system the Magvent (MAGCVD-R) will eliminate all types of dirt particles from heating and chilled water systems.

uk  Made in the U.K.

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SKU: magvent-dirt-separator-demountable-magcvad-r Categories: ,

Product Description
Why use the Magvent Dirt Separator Demountable (MAGCVAD-R)?
  • High-gauss magnetic rod installed to remove all magnetite in the water system.
  • Greatly reduced commissioning times after initial fill.
  • Longer system life (Due to Magnetite & Dirt elimination)
  • Low-pressure drop
  • Bi-directional flow
  • Tested to 21 bar
  • Standard carbon steel shell (stainless on request)
  • Large collector ensures that flushing is only required periodically
  • Dirt & Sludge can be flushed while fully operational (no need to shut down)
  • An internal stainless steel concentrator to aid removal of dirt.
How does the Magvent Dirt Separator Demountable (MAGCVAD-R) work?

Magnetite, Dirt and Sludge can be the cause of major problems such as pump failure, corrosion and energy loss in Heating & Chilled Water Systems.

The Magvent removes Magnetite, Dirt and Sludge. Installed on the return pipe in the system the Magvent will eliminate all types of Magnetite, Dirt and Sludge from heating and chilled water systems down to 5 micron and less.

Magvent Products