Nullifire B220 Fire Stop Compound

Nullifire B220 is a single part gypsum based compound providing up to 4 hours fire resistance of the compartment wall or floor, whilst providing an unsupported load-bearing capacity up to 2.5kN/m² (UDL), up to a 700mm span, in accordance with BS6399-1:1996 minimum requirements. This system also provides thermal, acoustic and air sealing performance.

B220 Compound is suitable for the following service penetrations; single and brunched cables, cable trays, cable ladders, trunking, steel and cooper pipes and ducting, dampers, PVC and uPVC pipes. Typical areas of use include health and leisure facilities, schools, universities, commercial, retail and industrial buildings.

uk  Made in the U.K.

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Product Description

Why use Nullifire Fire Stop Compound B220?

  • Up to 4 hours fire resistance
  • Up to 2.5kN/m² (UDL), unsupported
  • Easy, fast installation
  • Load-bearing seal up to 700mm effective span by any length
  • Quick setting
  • Zero shrinkage
  • Easily re-penetrable
  • Suitable for walls and floors
  • Resistant to mould, fungus and vermin attack
  • Offers effective support to dampers/ductwork

Nullifire Products