Isolatek Type 300

ISOLATEK Type 300 is a durable, wet mix SFPM (Spray-applied fire resistive material) designed to provide fire protection to various floor and roof assemblies, steel beams, columns, and joists in commercial construction projects.

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Product Description

ISOLATEK Type 300 is a durable, wet mix SFPM (Spray-applied fire resistive material) designed to provide fire protection to various floor and roof assemblies, steel beams, columns, and joists in commercial construction projects.

ISOLATEK Type 300 offers the best fire resistance performance per unit thickness of any commercial SFRM. This means lee material is needed to achieve required fire ratings. ISOLATEK Type 300 very cost efficient, clean and neat in appearance, with a smooth texture.

ISOLATEK Type 300 is applied exclusively by ISOLATEK licensed and trained contractors. Our technical staff works closely with building team members to meet all fire protection needs.

Isolatek Products